Google Classroom Guidance 


Teachers can provide work and resources through Google Classrooms. Children can connect using their Google logins. 

A step-by-step guide for Google Classroom can be found here.

A guide to Google Classroom Features can be found here.


Guidance on Remote Learning

Online Behaviour Code of Conduct

TT Rockstar



Times Table Rock Stars. Year 2 to Year 6 children have their log in details.




Atom Learning

Atom Learning provides an online tuition service for pupils in years 3 to 6. It helps prepare them for grammar school exams and the curriculum in years 3 to 6. Pupilseligible for pupil premium can sign up for free by going to this link. (click here if your child is eligible for the pupil premium to give you free access).

For pupils who are not eligible for pupil premium, you can sign up below for a free 5 day trial: (click here for a 5 day free trial if your child is not eligible for the pupil premium).

7 top tips to help your child read at home

Letters for Home Learning

Home Learning Resources